Align Within

Wellness with Julie

Environmentally Conscious Practice

Only organic oils and 100% PURE essential oils used


~Alleviate low back pain ~Increase range of motion 
~Relieve migraine pain
~Relax and soften injured, tired, and sore muscles
~Release endorphins/amino acids that work as the bodies natural pain killer
~Reduce spasms and cramping
~Enhance immunity by stimulating lymph flow~ the body’s natural defense system
~Lessen depression and anxiety
~Exercise and stretch weak, tired, tight, and atrophied muscles
~Increase joint flexibility
~Pump oxygen and nutrients into tissues vital organs ~ increasing circulation
~Promote tissue regeneration ~ reduce scar tissue 
~Assist with shorter, easier labor for expectant mothers
~Ease medication dependence
~Help athletes at any level prepare for, and recover from strenuous workouts
~Improve the condition of the body’s largest organ ~ the skin

Location: Clarksville TN